Friday, April 27, 2012

Healthy Skin

Your skin is the largest organ of your body. I could talk about how healthy skin starts from the inside out, blah, blah, infinity. But I won't because what you eat is your business. And the more I observe, the more I realize that one man's life-nourishing food is another man's poison. I'm no nutritionist.

Summer is approaching and so is the desire for soft, supple, smooth, unblemished skin. You can walk into any store and just grab a bottle of lotion, body oil, body butter, etc. 

Problem is most of those products are so chin-deep in chemicals that for someone like me with sensitive skin, it's not worth it. I'm better using nothing and drinking a lot of water in the hopes that will sufficiently hydrate my skin. 

But then I discovered virgin coconut oil. Does this sound like an infomercial yet? Some people swear by olive oil or jojoba or sesame or any other number of natural oils. If what you're using works, no need to fix what isn't broken.

None of those others worked for me. Like I said, REALLY sensitive skin here. So I tried coconut oil and it softens my skin beautifully without causing breakouts or flare ups. It's gentle enough to use on my face and it feels soooo soothing. It's solid in cooler temperatures (some say they actually whip it although I've never tried that) and liquid in warmer temperatures. I scoop out a small amount with a clean spoon to avoid contamination. A little goes a long way. I've even added a small amount to my shampoo or conditioner. 

You'll have baby soft skin without all the chemicals. Now I'm off to find a natural sunscreen that my skin won't rebel against. Maybe I'll just wear big floppy hats and huge sundresses :-) 

1 comment:

  1. I've been hearing that it's a great supplement to take orally as well. Martin has beginnings of Parkinson's and it's been recommended that he start taking this daily.
