Sunday, April 15, 2012

Let's talk about you

Everybody is a little bit crazy sometimes. True

This is okay. True.

If you love someone, you should just accept all of their crazy behavior because that's unconditional love. False.

I'm really tolerant of bizarre yet harmless habits, like those insane writers who change their font type all the time for no apparent reason. Because stuff like that doesn't matter. It's not hurting anyone. It might cause you to cuss under your breath if you're the kind who clings to order and symmetry, but it won't cause an accident (if you're reading your smart phone in traffic, that's no concern of mine). 

However, when behavior is hurting you, then it's perfectly okay, even necessary to step up and say something. If your neighbor eats 10 donuts for breakfast every morning on their front porch, chances are they know they shouldn't be doing that but they haven't found a way to stop and unless they ask for help, it's not your business. But if they keep trying to force those donuts down your throat when you're trying really hard to lose weight, if they shove the donuts in your face during your morning jog, then they've crossed the line. Feel free to beat them down.  [I didn't say that, I never advocate physical violence].

I've decided to start a series of blogs based on taking care of YOU. Whoever you are.  I mean, I don't know you, right? But that's the first thing I'm going to talk about: How you can listen to what YOU need, not what everyone else says you need (disclaimer: if you have a true addiction, you probably should listen to those who urge you to get help).  
When it comes down to it, the only person who can change you IS you.  Which pretty much nulls and voids not only this post but any subsequent posts. I should just shut up and let you work it out for yourself. Cuz I'm sure you are capable of doing just that. But since I love to give un-asked for advice and since I love to entertain try too hard to please the crowd in a very cheesy way, you'll probably see another post soon with my name on it.

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